Issuing functions

Requesting issue of security tokens and querying them

The following functions are to be called on the Securities Factory contract.

Request issue of a Security token

issueSecurity(  _security: string,
                _category: string,
                _company: string, 
                _isin: string, 
                _currency: string, 
                _issuer: string,
                _intermediary: string,                
                _restrictions: string,
                _country: string,
                _qualified: string


address of associated investment product


string product category (eg, Shares)


string issuing business


address of settlement token


address of issuer wallet requesting issue


address of registrar and transfer agent


bytes encoded array of restricted countries


string country of issuer


boolean indicating access of security token to only qualified investors

Query issuer of a Security token

getHolder(_token: string)

Query investment product for a Security token

getSecurity(_token: string)

Query other attributes of a Security token

getSecurityToken(_token: string, _issuer: string)


address of security token issued


address of security token issuer

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