Verified wallets for users can be created either using a dynamically generated mnemonic or by importing mnemonics for an existing private key for the user on a supported ethereum network.
//Common Js
const { VerifiedWallet, Provider } = require('@verified-network/verified-sdk');
//ES Module
import { VerifiedWallet, Provider } from '@verified-network/verified-sdk'
/** Step 1: Create Verified Wallet **/
//Option 1: Generate new Mnemonics and Wallet
const investorMnemonics = await VerifiedWallet.generateMnemonics()
const investorWallet = await VerifiedWallet.importWallet(menmonics)
//Option 2: using existing wallet mnemonics
const investorMnemonics = 'your wallet mnemonics'
const investorWallet = await VerifiedWallet.importWallet(investorMnemonics);
/** Step 2: Set Provider for Wallet **/
//Option 1: using Default Providers by ethers.js(for networks like mainnet, sepolia, ropstan, polygon e.t.c)
const defaultProviderNetwork = 'sepolia' // or any other default provider network of your choice.
//Network/chain id(number) can be used in place of network name, for example:
const defaultProviderNetwork = 11155111 // where number 11155111 is chain id for sepolia. any other chain id of default provider network can be used.
const investorWalletProvider = investorWallet.setProvider(
//Option 2: using custom providers(infura and alchemy)
const network = 'sepolia' // or any other network of your choice.
//Network/chain id(number) can be used in place of network name, for example:
const network = 11155111 // where number 11155111 is chain id for sepolia, any other chain id can be used.
//For infura; to get api key and enable networks checout:
const INFURA_API_KEY = 'your infura api key'
const investorWalletProvider = investorWallet.setProvider(
Provider.infuraProvider(network, INFURA_API_KEY)
//For alchemy; to get api key and enable networks checout:
const ALCHEMY_API_KEY = 'your alchemy api key'
const investorWalletProvider = investorWallet.setProvider(
Provider.alchemyProvider(network, ALCHEMY_API_KEY)
Above, the investor wallet provider can be used to initialize Verified contracts and interact with them by calling various functions on contracts.
Wallets from web brower extensions/wallets of any choice like Metamask, Coinbase wallet e.t.c can be used with Verified Sdk to interact with Verified Contracts.
/** install ethers: npm install --save ethers **/
//Common Js
const { ethers } = require('ethers');
//ES Module
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
/** Step 1: Get Proider from browser wallet **/
//MetaMask injects provider as window.ethereum
//Any provider by web wallet of choice can be used
const webWalletProvider = window.ethereum;
//convert to ethers.js provider
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(webWalletProvider);
//other ethers provider methods exists that will work
//with any provider of choice checkout:
/** Step 2: Connect and get signer to initialise contracts **/
// MetaMask requires requesting permission to connect users accounts
//Any connection method for any web browser of choice can be used;
const connectedAccounts = await provider.send("eth_requestAccounts", []);
const signer = provider.getSigner()
Above, the signer can be used to initialize Verified contracts and interact with them by calling various functions on contracts.
/** Import contract **/
//Common Js
const { Client, contractAddress } = require('@verified-network/verified-sdk');
//ES Module
import { Client, contractAddress } from '@verified-network/verified-sdk'
/** get chainId **/
const conectedNetwork = await provider.getNetwork();
const chainId = conectedNetwork.chainId;
/** fetch contract address **/
//All verified contracts addresses can be fetched from contractAddress object
const networkContractAddresses = contractAddress[chainId]; //All verified contract addresses on connected network
const clientContractaddress = networkContractAddresses.Client; //Client contract address
/** Initialize Contract **/
const clientContract = new Client(signer, clientContractaddress);
/** Interact with contract **/
const investorAddres = connectedAccounts[0] //get first account connected from web wallet
await clientContract.getRole(investorAddres);
Certain contracts are proxies that indirect calls to concrete implementations. For example, cash tokens representing different currencies all have the same behavior and are produced by a cash token factory. In such cases, the contract needs to be parameterized (in this case, with a currency contract's address) before use.
const cashUSDIssuer = new CashContract(issuerWallet, VXUSD);
await cashUSDIssuer.payIn('10', investorWallet.address, 'VXUSD')
Optionally, all the contract Calls take in an additional parameter: options?: { gasPrice: number, gasLimit: number } You can configure the gasPrice and gasLimit using this parameter as the last parameter to the contractCall function. Example: contract.function(arg 1, arg2, options) Where, options = {gasPrice: XXX, gasLimit: YYY}